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1st July, 2019

LehmanBrown Joined China Women’s University Management College Practice Training Week Program

China Women’s University Management College successfully held their Practice Training Week Program from July 1st to July 4th, inviting EAIB and LehmanBrown International Accountants to be the speakers and inspire their students. The program was aimed at helping their students to be better prepared for their future professional lives and plan in advance for their career paths. The first day was an enterprise lecture and round-table conference. During the second and third day, EAIB teachers guided students through case studies, soft skills training, and group discussions. On the last day, students had made presentations based on the information they had acquired, and a panel of special guests selected winners. LehmanBrown was invited as a judge.

LehmanBrown International Accountants was invited to give an enterprise lecture on July 1st. Partners and department heads took part in the lecture to explaining how LehmanBrown operated, aiming to help students learn about the primary responsibilities of different departments and the importance of planning for their careers.

The lecture opened with the president of China Women’s University Lian Wang’s opening speech. She welcomed EAIB CEO Rosy Zhang, who gave a presentation regarding different skills that are required in the workplace.

Right after came the Managing Partner of LehmanBrown, Russell Brown OBE, began by briefly introducing LehmanBrown’s history and philosophy and then shared his own professional experiences to encourage the students to develop an excellent working attitude while emphasizing always to be professional.

LehmanBrown during the day then provided an introduction to the various business departments, starting Human Resources and sharing advice on how to create a great resume and some useful tips and tricks for use during interviews.

Next was the introduction of the Outsource Accounting Department, to providing an understanding of the accounting department’s responsibilities and the core business for each section so that everyone had a more comprehensive understanding of accounting and its day to day workings.

Then was the Business Services Department introducing how to work with and deal with the Government for any type of corporate registration or deregistration matters, the importance of good Government relations and knowing the rules, regulations and processes, and being detailed, organized and a good communicator.

LehmanBrown then talked about the work of the Tax Department, advising students on the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge, and focus on improving themselves professionally while learning to distinguish between the two, staying continually up to date with regulation and guidelines changes, and understanding their implementation and practical solutions for the clients.

LehmanBrown’s Professional Service Department gave an introduction to audit and assurance work, about how all companies are different, and that audit is a critical part of reducing the risk for companies, not just a Government policy or compliance requirement. Additionally, other service lines such as internal review, internal controls, due diligence on acquisitions and other special services were introduced, as LehmanBrown auditors are trained in a wide range of skills for different areas of a project.


Lastly, LehmanBrown’s marketing department explained to the students marketing’s essential role in business for both external branding and brand awareness to internal communications and internal branding. In a global world, it is important that LehmanBrown as a brand is known across borders for the quality services provided to companies in China, venturing into China or venturing out of China. The marketing team also run educational events, support community events and manage LehmanBrown’s Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) program. Things can always happen at events, and so some more examples were shared with the students of how mental flexibility, creativity and out of the boxing thinking is required to resolve any emergencies and issues, but actually are the same qualities needed for all areas of marketing, and all departments in LehmanBrown for the work that is done.

The partners and department heads had a small Q&A session, carefully answering the students’ questions at the end, and LehmanBrown announced that the winner of the program at the end of the four-day program would receive an internship offer with LehmanBrown.

July 4th was the last day of the Practice Training Week Program, students had finished their presentations, and after a fierce competition, three outstanding speakers and teams were selected from all the twelve teams by the special guest panel. All the participating students received a certificate, while three outstanding students won an internship offer from LehmanBrown. LehmanBrown is glad to have participated in the program and wishes all the students from the Women’s University Management College the best with their studies and looks forward to welcoming into the ranks the winners of the Practice Training Week Program.

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